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Callendar Park, Falkirk, Scotland

Whilst working for TBB Architecture we were approached by the Festival of architecture to be part of the Thinking Outside The Box Project.


Specific requirements where set, the dimension of the cube was to be 2.4m x 2.4m x 2.4m, but the form of these installations was up to the design teams. The intent was to bring cross-disciplinary design teams together to share ideas and promote the collaborative working approach at a student level leading to engagements with a public audience.


Our installation was positioned in front of the iconic Callender House. We pushed the boundaries by building not only one but two cubes. The cubes were hollow, dressed in a white transparent material and wrapped internally with fairy lights that glowed at night.

It was an incredible opportunity to not only design but to use my hands and physically build these cubes. 

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